Woolfe Street Playhouse

Support Us!

Did You KnowBox office revenue makes up only 40% of overall villagerep operating budget?

Village is a non-profit organization that must raise half a million dollars annually to support our artistic, outreach and education programs, and employ more than 140 artists, designers, musicians, and educators.

Every gift counts, and directly supports the Village Repertory Co., allowing us to maintain our high-quality performances, bring theatre professionals in to work with our students and expand our education outreach, provide low cost community programming to the Charleston area and so much more.

We hope you will consider supporting Village Rep by making your gift today. Whether it is $100 or $10,000, if you love Village Rep and want to support theatrical excellence now is the time to get involved on a higher level.

Season Supporters

Season Support and Leadership Circle funds go towards the general operations and production costs of Village Repertory Co. mainstage, 2nd stage and children’s productions.


Season Supporters: Friend

Discounts and preferred seating to all Village special engagements and listing in Village program under Village REP Seasonal Supporter Friends.


Season Supporters: Patron

Discounts and preferred seating to all Village special engagements and listing in Village program under Village REP Seasonal Supporter Patrons.


Season Supporters: VIP

Discounts and preferred seating to all Village special engagements and listing in Village program under Village REP Seaonal Supporter VIP.

Village Rep Leadership Circle

Join the Village Rep leadership circle. Leadership circle donors are absolutely essential to the growth of our organization. Village rep leadership circle is divided into 3 levels of support.

Leadership circle members get listing in all print material under leadership circle, leadership circle opening night party ,first offerings on special events and parties, coffee and talkback sessions, and more.

$1,000 - $2,499

Silver Member

Silver Level Recognition in all playbills and the above and one complimentary ticket to each mainstage production.

$2,500 - $5,999

Gold Member

Gold Level Recognition in all of the above and two complimentary tickets to each mainstage production.

$6,000 And Up

Platinum Member

Platinum Member Recognized in all print material as an Individual Show Sponsor and personal thank you during opening curtain speech plus four complimentary tickets to each mainstage production.

Corporate Sponsors

Entertain clients, private receptions, employee gifts after show cocktails, mingle with the cast, behind the scenes events and more. A range of benefits tailored to your business. Contact Keely Enright for more information about Corporate sponsors.



Name and logo as seasonal show sponsor on all print and electronic media for all 5 mainstage productions


Late Night in the Shop

Name and logo as seasonal show sponsor on all print and electronic media for all 3 late night in the shop productions

$6,000 And Up

Village Kids & Co.

Name and logo as seasonal show sponsor on all print and electr onic media for all village kids and co. Education outreach productions  and village kids at musc touring programs.

Learn how you can help!

Now is your chance to make a lasting contribution to the arts community with a vital gift to the Playhouse Building Initiative. 100% of the proceeds from the Building Initiative go toward the adaptive renovation and reuse of the historic Woolfe Street Playhouse, home of the Village Repertory Co. There are several ways to give to The Village Repertory Co:

The Village Repertory Co. is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization listed under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS. Your donation to either the Village Repertory General Fund or the Building Initiative is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.


The Village Repertory Co.
Development Office
P.O. Box 22012
Charleston SC 29413


Interested in making a gift of stock? Please contact Keely at the Development Office at 843 856-1579 for more information on how to make your gift via stock transfer.

Board of Directors 2025–2026

Pam Hricik, Immediate Past Board President
Stephanie Lucas, President
Eileen Easler, Treasurer
Dan LaVista
Henry Cabaniss
Dick Glave, President Emeritus
Ben Lambert
Sierra Garland
Advisory Committee
Rainey Evans
Nat Jones
Melinda Nicholson
Julie Ziff
Richard Hricik

Corporate Matching Gifts

Did you know that over 90% of the companies in the Charleston area offer employee matching gift programs? These important programs can double, or in some cases, triple, contributions made by a donor to Village Repertory Co.

Both current and former employees of the following companies have helped sustain Village Repertory Co’s artistic, outreach and education programming just by fillilng out a simple form: Verizon, Reynolds America, Merck, IBM

We encourage you to check with your Human Resources office to find out if your company participates in a matching gift program and are more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Simply contact us at 843 856-1579.

Coming Soon

Laurel Canyon- The California Sound @ Charleston Music Hall

A tribute to the music legends who created the historic music scene in L.A.'s Laurel Canyon.

Feb 7
The Angel Next Door

East Coast Premiere of new play by Paul Slade Smith

March 13 -30

The Village Rep

The Village Repertory Co. is a non profit professional theatre company, producing drama, comedy, and musicals with a special emphasis on the finest plays of the 20th Century.  As the theatre company in residence at the Woolfe Street Playhouse, our aim is to bring lesser known classics and new works to life in a unique environment:  The Village Rep creates theatre that breaks down the barriers between the performer and the audience. We create for our community, from within our community, working with Charleston's local ensemble of actors and artists.

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