Woolfe Street Playhouse

Build the Playhouse

They said it couldn’t be done, but we’re doing it anyway!

After more than eleven successful years of operating in a suburban shopping center in Mt Pleasant, the Village has moved into a dramatic new space in downtown Charleston-the Woolfe Street Playhouse, a cultural anchor for the rapidly rejuvenating and vibrant Upper King ‘Arts Corridor.. Thanks to the generosity of the Meddin family we have secured a 15 year lease in their century old former meat packing facility-The Meddin Bros. warehouse.

Build the Playhouse

Architectural drawing of our new space!

Over the last 24 months we have worked to make this move a reality. Renovations are more than $750,000.00 to complete both Phase One and Phase Two. Our board has raised more than $400,000.00 toward our total goal. Financing for Phase One has been secured through PNC Bank and the project is well underway.

The Woolfe Street Playhouse, designed by renowned Charleston architect Bill Huey and overseen by Chastain Construction features the Playhouse’s trademark intimacy and cabaret style while drastically improving the theatrical experience for patrons and performers. A 200 seat cabaret space allows flexible staging, and our 17,000 square-foot facility enables us to mount second stage and educational programs for children. With the completion of Phase Two we will add an additional studio/classroom space for expanded education outreach, a small black box stage area, an upstairs mezzanine and lounge area and an additional 75 seats. The plan ensures not only a perfect home for our theatre in residence The Village Repertory Co, but allows us to collaborate more freely with other arts organizations in Charleston.

We sure hope that Heller is right about insanity being contagious, because we can’t make it happen without your help! Please make a donation to the Building Initiative today.

Lunacy loves company. Together we can transform the neighborhood, create artistic excellence, and establish an important artistic anchor in this historic and totally unique property.

Learn how you can help!

Coming Soon

Laurel Canyon- The California Sound @ Charleston Music Hall

A tribute to the music legends who created the historic music scene in L.A.'s Laurel Canyon.

Feb 7
The Angel Next Door

East Coast Premiere of new play by Paul Slade Smith

March 13 -30

The Village Rep

The Village Repertory Co. is a non profit professional theatre company, producing drama, comedy, and musicals with a special emphasis on the finest plays of the 20th Century.  As the theatre company in residence at the Woolfe Street Playhouse, our aim is to bring lesser known classics and new works to life in a unique environment:  The Village Rep creates theatre that breaks down the barriers between the performer and the audience. We create for our community, from within our community, working with Charleston's local ensemble of actors and artists.

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